Friday, August 30, 2013

Shed Some Light On The Subject, Won't You?

Riddle me this, Batman.  How do you upgrade your half bath light fixture without actually forking over the cash to replace the entire unit?  Well, I’m no Batman; but here are a couple of quick and easy tasks we did to breathe new life into ours to avoid replacement.  

This is sort of a Phase 1 fix until we can save our pennies for something different.  Plus, I just haven’t found one that knocks my socks off.  Well, at least not one at a reasonable price.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

You're So Vain

…I bet you think this post is about you.  Well, vanity, you would be correct.

When we left off last in the half bath, the walls had a fresh coat of paint, some new art, and a new towel ring.  But the poor oak vanity was looking a bit unloved.  

Monday, August 26, 2013

Pillow Fight

One of the virtues I had to constantly remind myself as we prepared to move into the new house was patience.  It was really hard not going out to every local retailer and stocking up on all sorts of fun décor finds to decorate the new house. 

Friday, August 23, 2013

River Rock-ing Out

When we were searching for a new home, one of the things I honed in on was the half bathroom.  Admittedly, it’s not something that would've been a deal breaker or anything, but I definitely did have a few preferences in mind on what I’d love.  So when we first viewed our house, I was really pleased with what I saw.  The size and placement were just about perfect.  Too small makes you feel squeezed in, too large makes it feel like a waste of space, and wrong placement within the home’s layout can just make it feel straight up awkward if it’s not private enough.

Here's another 'before' shots we took during our inspection visit (with the previous owners’ items):

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Organization Nation

Put on your thinking caps, everyone.  It’s time for a speed round of Jeopardy.  Ready….GO! 

Clue:  It’s put to the back burner constantly, yet highly sought after.  

Question: What is closet organization?  

Monday, August 19, 2013

Color Me Badd

Remember the old school R&B group Color Me Badd?  I feel like their name has inspired this post.  Sidebar: I was mildly surprised to know they’re still together and trying to get back on the scene.  Who knew?  I’m all for a good comeback story, but I’m pretty sure that ship has sailed.

So what’s something else that’s sailed off into the sunset never to be seen again?  The boys’ bathroom paint job, that’s what.  This is the story of a lovely lady of how a bathroom’s color went from BADD to rad (or something like that).

Thursday, August 15, 2013

My Milkshake Brings All The Boys To The Yard

Well, hellooooo internet.  Ah, yes, the inaugural post on the new blog.  So here we are...  It’s sort of like that first date awkwardness.  Does he like me?  Do I like him?  Or maybe we’re just not that into each other and someone will fake an illness to cut the date short.  Well, allow me to make the first move. (...with my son, Holden...he's my wing man apparently.)  ;)

As the name and description suggest, Home Happy is our little slice of the internet where we can chat about all things home, family, and any other randomness that sparks my creativity.  So while it’s definitely an overstatement that my milkshake will get you here, perhaps my craziness will keep you.  Between two toddler boys, a husband, a new house, working full time, managing this blog, running our household, and updating the house, things are a bit chaotic at times.  But it’s my chaos and I wouldn’t trade for the world.

Without further ado, let’s jump right in with our first project.