Tuesday, October 1, 2013

For The Love Of Pinterest

Ah yes...Pinterest....the site that somehow manages to be both genius and hated at the same time.  It's genius for the obvious reason of collecting seemingly endless inspiration sources and eye candy on a multitude of tops.  But on the other hand, it sometimes makes you feel like you have to keep up with the Joneses and create these elaborately decorated and planned out ____ (you fill in the blank).   #guilty :)  For those times when you're feeling like some of the pinned ideas are a wee bit over the top, sometimes all you need is a simple ten minute craft to make you feel #likeaboss.

I chose to jazz up a 50 cent (what ever happened to that guy, btw?) vase I found at Restore for our half bathroom.  I wanted a small little ditty for the corner of the vanity top - it was just pretty blank up in there:

I had come across about a dozen different vase painting pins so I figured, why not?  And it was SO easy.  Here's what I started with: 

I already had the navy blue acrylic craft paint on hand and color wise it went with the color scheme of the half bath, so done and done.  And then all you literally do is squirt a decent size gob of paint on the inside and move the vase around to get the paint to cover all the walls.

Oh, and before starting make sure to give the vase a nice cleaning with soap and water and let it air dry.

Once the walls are entirely covered, I just tipped it upside down on a paper plate with a paper towel in between to catch the excess paint.  I'm not sure I needed the paper towel, though, so you could probably skip that and save yourself some Bounty.  Then just let 'er dry.  I moved it around occasionally so it wasn't sitting in a small pool of paint, but again, not sure that was really necessary either.  

Once it's dry, YOU'RE DONE.  Now that's my kind of Pinterest project for the days when I just don't have it in me to tackle anything with major muscle required.  I also just picked up a small $4 bunch of small pink faux flowers with lime green berries from Michael's to stick inside it.  Since I used craft acrylic paint, you can't put water in it like other vases so it's faux all the way for me.  I'm really digging the navy/pink color contrast.


Total Project Cost: $4.50
Vase: $.50
Navy Acrylic Craft Paint: $0, already had
Pink and Green flowers: $4

And that's all she wrote.  Has anyone else tried this vase/jar painting technique before?  It was THAT easy that I'm sort of looking around the house to see what other areas might need a painted vase to house items (Q-tips perhaps?).


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